Easily keep up with topics that interest you. Search-result subscriptions - Make special subscriptions that display results from search engines like Yahoo, Feedster, and Daypop, or from keyword searches at, Flickr, and Technorati.Bloglines syncing - Read your Bloglines feeds with NetNewsWire for the best of both worlds, a rich desktop client and acessible-anywhere server.Synchronization - Keep your subscriptions, news item status, and even browser tabs synchronized between two or more computers.

It's like smart playlists in iTunes - only for news instead of music.
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Podcasts and enclosures - Automatically download podcasts and enclosures.Searching - Search your news items with a standard Apple search widget - as in Mail and other applications.NetNewsWire remembers tabs between launches, so you come right back to where you left off last time. Tabbed browser - Open web pages in NetNewsWire's browser, and see them the same as in Safari, but with the convenience of staying in the same window.Subscribe to feeds from all over the web - and from the built-in list of thousands of feeds in the Sites Drawer. Let NetNewsWire do the work for you, as it gathers your news and tells you which items are new. News comes to you - Spend less time surfing.

Its familiar three-paned interface - similar to Apple Mail and Outlook Express - can fetch and display news from thousands of different websites and weblogs, making it quick and easy to keep up with the latest news.
Mac rss reader netnewswire for mac os#
NetNewsWire (acquired by NewsGator in October, 2005) is an easy-to-use RSS Web news reader for Mac OS X.