- Skyrim se realistic lighting overhaul windstad manor install#
- Skyrim se realistic lighting overhaul windstad manor mod#
- Skyrim se realistic lighting overhaul windstad manor update#
It’s worth noting the figure of 500 comes from individual pieces of content. I do give you dragon blood to earn some extra perk points, but you still gotta kill the dragon. Skyrim Anniversary Edition’s new content will feature, according to Bethesda, over 500 unique pieces of content from Creation Club, and those players who have stayed up-to-date with Skyrim’s re-releases in the form of Special Edition will be able to upgrade to Anniversary Edition at a discounted price. I also made the effort of inventorying every loose ingredient, book and food item that comes with the vanilla manor and store them in the appropriate containers. Around 80 containers, some custom made, none respawning. Sorry, no uber weapons or god armors, nor are there mods that add 10+ rings to every finger, or 10 extra effects in enchanting, or gives you the ring of over-poweredness, or give you the house of epicness with 9000 followers for free. Realistic, dynamic lighting (candles switching off, windows lights switching on during daytime).
Skyrim se realistic lighting overhaul windstad manor mod#
Finally, there are mods that add a very simple homes in each of the small cities (like the villagers' homes), improvements to Severen manor, a fix for Winstad manor (my favorite Hearthfire location, especially with COTL installed), and an improved Breezehome (my favorite Breezehome mod by Uberman). An alternate Start mod, which I'm not currently using, but I have used with this group before. Most of the rest of the mods involve improving textures and exterior appearences (water, flowers, plants, weather, snow, people etc). I also used Cathedral Asset Optimizer to BSA the Assets the Resulting Created esp were then flagged as ESM/ESL.
Skyrim se realistic lighting overhaul windstad manor update#
Update as it was full overwritten a thus redundant.
Skyrim se realistic lighting overhaul windstad manor install#
I didn't install Skyrim Realistic Overhaul 1.8. There are basic mods to improve followers, improve enemy AI, and slow down leveling, which I always thought was too fast. Darkladylexy on Skyrim Realistic Overhaul. Two small dlc mods that are very fun to play through (I recommend installing them in the group, but do not activate them in game until you're ready and possibly after the mage's questline), and a mod that fills out the Northern part of Skyrim. There is an extra, very useful perk for smithing if you want to run around in iron and fur. a mod list with what you have would also be useful. If you still cannot get into the game then we can help better. Try to enter the game, if you can, its one of your added mods. Some droppable quest items (Scrolls, Blackbooks, and Stones of Barenziah). First shut down all the mods not on the list.

Some fix minor issues I had with the game. I purposefully wanted to keep the collection below 50, so unfortunately, many amazing mods didn't make this group. This is a group of mods that have been tested to work together quite well.